Emil Borgman
Project Manager – Odigo Industry - Tillverkning & IndustriAn experienced and adaptable leader with a proven track record in a variety of industries and market sectors.
Technical and Market oriented with proven management, business, development, and operational skills.
Key strengths – strategic leadership, analytical mind, starting, managing and developing of process development, strong and structured follow up of implementation with geographically dispersed resources. Keen communicator, used to media and customer exposure. Proven ability to meet set financial, productivity & quality targets, budgets, goals and deadlines. Experienced in managing complex negotiations with both internal and external clients. High energy, initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and a positive attitude.
Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma.
Organizational development:
Change management and management by objectives. Production efficiency.
Lean Production:
Create road maps. Implement and transform company from top to shop floor. Lead and create vision to strive towards World Class. Manage change with several LEAN tools.
Project Management:
Management of investments or efficiency project within Industry, Civil Works, Maintenance, Logistics or Telecom.
Civil Works:
Manage move of factories, Infrastructure, merge of production units and new buildings.
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